This year’s conference focuses on mental health care: navigating concerns, acknowledging developments and looking to the future for LGBTQ peoples of color, through the collective strengths and wisdom of clinicians, consumers, academics and advocates to confront the issues affecting these communities.
The collective efforts of the organizations hosting this two-day conference encourages presenters to focus on how LGBTQ peoples of color navigate mental health care in the age of the new administration. Presentations will examine concerns with the new administration’s funding cuts declarations, developments and progress to date, and what the future holds. Each day will begin with presentations intending to establish common starting points. These will be followed by concurrent small group workshops, panel discussions, and stand-alone presentations; some geared for clinicians and others for community members. At the end of the second day, we will continue our traditional “Community Speak Out” – an opportunity for conference participants to have their “say”, express their thoughts on ways of addressing the mental health of LGBTQ people of color and the necessary next steps for improving this conference.
The Conference invites abstract submissions which examine, discuss and provide methodologies and techniques for healing, including resources, for LGBTQ peoples of color; consisting of the following subject areas:
- Women – Bisexual, Lesbians, Pansexual
- Interaction of police/law enforcement and peoples of color with mental health issues, including incarceration/reentry programs/recidivism
- LGBTQ peoples of color in immigration detention or asylum proceedings
- Juvenile LGBTQ peoples of color mental health in criminal justice and health care
- Mental health care of LGBTQ veterans of color
- Mental health care for LGBTQ peoples of color seniors/elders
- LGBTQ peoples of color with abnormal personality disorders
- Cultural competency in education, health and mental health care, law enforcement, criminal justice
- LGBTQ peoples of color in foster care/aging out of foster care
- Mental health and HIV
- Mental health care for youth and young adult peoples of color
The deadline for abstract submissions, May 31, 2017. Read more about the conference and abstract submission.