The Achieving Whole Health: Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit (AWH) curriculum is an interactive, culturally responsive training that provides the tools and skills to help Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) make healthy decisions. Although centered in AANHPI experience, individuals and organizations who want to promote a whole health approach to mental health issues in diverse communities can also benefit from the program. The curriculum is based on the Peer Support Whole Health & Resiliency and the Peer Specialist Core Recovery Curriculum developed by the Appalachian Consulting Group.
AWH Learning Objectives:
- Participants will explore the 3 life domains and 10 life elements (Body: healthy eating, physical activity, restful sleep; Mind: relaxation techniques, hope and optimism, positive attitude; Spirit: Spiritual Beliefs and Practices, Supportive Relationships, Service to Others A Sense of Meaning and Purpose) to provide a grounded foundation for their own goal setting.
- Participants will take an active role in improving their health by developing a Whole Health Goal focusing on one of the 10 life elements associated with the body, mind and spirit.
- Participants will develop whole health goals that have IMPACT – it improves their health, is measurable, is positively stated, is achievable, calls forth action, and is time limited.
- Participants will learn how to take what they have learned to help others develop their own personal Whole Health Goal.
- Participants will learn the value of supporting others through weekly groups, personal logs, and one-on-one coaching.
- Through participating in the post-training webinars, participants will also help develop an interagency network to share effective strategies, strengthen program design, and address sustainability issues.
Who can participate?
The primary focus is on community-based organizations working with AANHPIs but is open to those working with other ethnically diverse populations. These can be behavioral health, health, senior centers, student, or other community organizations dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the community. Applications will consist of teams of three to five individuals. The team approach is the best way to ensure this training is successful upon return to the local community. If appropriate, include at least one team member who has the bilingual skills that reflect the language needs of the local community. In selecting the participants, the applicant should take into consideration the role the participant will play in sharing this information with the local community: What type of support will they need; are they paid staff, volunteers, member of a local organization? How are they able to sustain the practice? While the ideal team will come from a community-based organization with paid staff, it is not a requirement. A paid staff helps ensure the ongoing implementation of the training, but this training can also be used to provide much-needed capacity building to communities that do not have language/culture-specific services for AANHPIs.
Are you ready to implement the Achieving Whole Health program?
Prior to filling out the application, please review the Implementation Readiness Checklist (pdf) to learn more about what is required to implement this program.
What is required of participants for the AWH training?
Recognizing that it takes more than a 3-day virtual intensive training to implement new programs, SAMHSA requests that participating NNED member teams commit to the full NNEDLearn 2023 training model which includes Prepare; Learn; Implement; and Sustain. Read more about NNEDLearn 2023.
Due to the NNEDLearn 2023 training being fully virtual, accepted applicants must have access to a stable internet connection to participate in the NNEDLearn 2023 Achieving Whole Health training.
Objectives and expectations for each NNEDLearn stage for Achieving Whole Health are as follows:
The first stage of NNEDLearn involves preparing the NNED member team for the Learn stage (virtual training), and requires that team members:
- Participate in two pre-meeting webinars (dates below).
- Complete assignments as requested by trainer, such as a readiness checklist and pre-meeting training content material.
From April 25 – 27, 2023, teams will attend a 3-day virtual intensive training via Zoom.
Participants will learn foundational whole health concepts and how to develop a personal Whole Health Goal as well as learn how to share the foundational material and coach others to create their own Whole Health Goal.
After the Learn stage (virtual intensive training), all Achieving Whole Health teams will receive ongoing coaching to help participants successfully complete their Whole Health Goal. They will also have an opportunity to discuss how they can implement coaching of others within their local community. Team members will:
- Participate in four 1-hour group coaching sessions with the trainer (dates listed below).
- Participate regularly in the online discussion forum.
- Complete implementation reporting assignments.
Digital Story
All teams will also be asked to complete a digital story/video documenting their team’s NNEDLearn experience, community need, and the implementation of the best practice. Please see the 2023 Digital Story (pdf) for additional information which contains important information on developing a digital story.
NNEDLearn teams are expected to pursue efforts to sustain the practice and to demonstrate outcome and impact as appropriate. Teams will have the opportunity to provide input on training outcomes and the impact of NNEDLearn 2023.
DJ Ida, PhD, Executive Director, National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
Co-trainer: Pata Suyemoto, PhD, Director of Training, National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
Important Dates
Prepare Webinar One:
- March 21, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET OR
- March 21, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET
Prepare Webinar Two:
- March 30, 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Learn Stage (Virtual Training):
- Tuesday – Thursday, April 25 – 27, 2023 (via Zoom)
Implement Coaching Sessions: Four 1-hour coaching sessions:
- May 23, 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
- June 13, 3:00 – 4:00 ET
- July 11, 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
- August 8, 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
The application period for NNEDLearn 2023 is now closed.
Thank you to all who applied. If you have any questions, please email NNEDLearn@nnedlearn.net.
Email NNEDLearn@nnedlearn.net for any questions related to NNEDLearn 2023.