The NNED keeps you in the know on what’s happening in behavioral health equity in the U.S. and around the world. Our collection of articles from multiple sources cover important headlines, recent findings, proposal calls, and more.
$15M Research Center to Improve Indigenous Health
A new Center for Pacific Innovations, Knowledge, and Opportunities (PIKO) to improve the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Pacific People (IPP) is being established with the help of a $15 million, five-year grant from the National Institute of General …
‘We Have to Be Culturally Aware’: De-Stigmatizing Mental Health in Immigrant and Refugee Communities
Betty Kola, also known as “Miss Betty,” works to help immigrants and refugees overcome their trauma and understand mental health. “Those issues from when you’re born carry over into your adult life, and that’s why you have all those challenges,” Kola e …
Conscience Clause Increases Barriers to Mental Health Care for LGBTQ Youth, Advocates Say
Orion Hower is waiting until they move to Michigan for college before seeking mental health care. Hower, who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, has been in the mental health care system since they were 10 years old. When Hower turned 18, they sa …
What Role Does Hispanic Culture Play in Depression?
Mental health conditions exist within all populations. However, certain factors may increase their prevalence in Hispanic communities. Some elements of Hispanic culture may prevent or exacerbate symptoms of depression. Additionally, barriers may exist …
Asian American Olympians Face Racism at Home
Asian American Olympians representing the United States are competing for gold in Tokyo as Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are targets of violence and bigotry back home. Advocates say the anti-Asian hate is taking a mental health toll on Asian Am …
Reducing Mental Illness Stigma in Minority Communities
The following blog was authored by Drew Hickman, BS; Fulvia Camargo; Shayla C. Anderson, MPH, CHES; and Mary Roary, PhD, MBA at the SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE). As we observe National Suicide Prevention Month and strive to improve …
For Tribal Members in Oklahoma, Medicaid Expansion Improves Access to Mental Health Care
In July, Oklahoma expanded free Medicaid coverage to an additional 200,000 low-income adults, including many tribal members, after voters passed a ballot initiative compelling the state to do so. “They’ve had to choose between getting the specialty hea …
Mental Health: Elevating Voices to Fight Stigma and Build Trust
The COVID-19 pandemic, racial unrest, and police brutality over the past year-plus have all contributed to increased reports of anxiety and depression in the United States. The trauma experienced as a result of these tumultuous events has elevated conv …
As Teens Return to School, Some Still Navigate Mental Health Issues
In the past year, teenagers watched major milestones evaporate before their eyes, while also missing out on all the small moments that make the teen years unique. Mental health professionals said teens are particularly vulnerable to emotional instabili …
A Paradise for Mental Health Still Sees COVID-19 Challenges
For Robin Miyamoto, a clinical psychologist in urban Honolulu County, Hawaii, the past year marked the hardest she’s ever worked. Telehealth, which she made use of during the COVID-19 pandemic, let her still reach clients in the absence of in-person vi …