The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) invites MSPI/DVPI grantees, Tribal behavioral health experts, public health professionals, advocates, researchers, community-based providers, and others to submit proposals to highlight the accomplishments of their programs at the American Indian and Alaska Native National Behavioral Health Conference, in Washington, DC from July 25-27, 2018. This year’s conference theme, “Promoting Connections Between Culture and Purpose” will provide evidenced-based, best, wise, or
The Poster Session is a great way for success stories to be heard by a large audience of Tribal leaders, Tribal behavioral health professionals, health experts, public health professionals, federal employees, advocates, researchers and community-based providers as well as share program ideas with others.
Those interested should submit contact information and a brief description of the program within the application.
The deadline for proposals is Friday, June 15 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Presenters will be notified within one week of their submission.
Poster Guidelines: Posters should contain information about your program and should be visually appealing. Presenters may choose to highlight specific program activities, programs, or data, based on the story they want to tell. All posters must be 36″ x 48″ (3ft by 4ft) to fit on the easels available at the conference. NIHB will provide additional guidelines upon selection.
Learn more and submit your poster proposal with NIHB!