The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) is accepting applications for its 5th Annual Youth in Custody Certificate Program to be held July 10–14, 2017, at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. This training, conducted with support from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, is designed for juvenile justice system leaders and partners working to improve outcomes for youth in post-adjudication custody. This year, CJJR has partnered with the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators to run the program. The application deadline is April 7, 2017.
The Youth in Custody Certificate Program is designed to help leaders implement or accelerate systemic change to improve outcomes for youth in post-adjudication custody. Most efforts to date have focused on ensuring that low and moderate-risk youth are not committed to juvenile justice facilities. Less attention has been paid to best practices for serving the high-risk youth who are in the custody of the juvenile justice system. Also, while research has shown the juvenile justice field “what works” for this population, it is often difficult for juvenile justice systems to reform their practices to be in line with best practices.
The Youth in Custody Certificate Program provides an interactive and dynamic learning environment with instruction from national experts on cutting edge ideas, policies and practices from across the country. Specifically, the program focuses on the serious, high-risk juvenile offender population and utilizes modules that review and integrate best practices including family engagement, trauma informed treatment and strengths-based approaches.
Read more about the program.